The Power of Design

The Power of Design

A strong visual identity can be one of the most powerful marketing tools, to cultivate for your brand or business. I love creating bespoke images and logos for my clients' products and services. Employing original content, derived from my portfolio, I work with my own published imagery, and graphic designs, as much as possible. My firm grasp of contemporary design techniques, and trends, ensures that you'll be left with nothing less than the ultimate distillation of your company's identity. I have co artistic designers and illustrators that work in conjuction with my concepts and direction. The team collaborates, to produce a final product for our client, that will not disappoint. Idealy we design and create for our photography clients. These are finished photo projects, produced by KCP, should there be a need for graphic enhancements or other design related services. We will accept outside photography projects for editing and graphic enhancement, along with graphic design projects, from a third party producer, dependent on our availability and current work flow.